Dave's Search Engines Page

37.com search engine Has 37 search engines, and uses megaspider technology.
An online neighborhood of hundreds of helpful experts, who share their wealth of knowledge.
Ask an expert in a field any question.
Alta Vista search engine Very fast; searches text with user defined parameters.
Ask Jeeves An intuitive, intelligent search engine that get smarter with usage.
Dogpile search engine Web's best metasearch service.
Excite search engine Searches Web Documents, Usenet Newsgroups, and Web Reviews.
expresslookup.com Search an index of European Web Sites.
Law Crawler search engine Searches legal information on the web with Boolean operators.
Galaxy search engine Galaxy is the original searchable Internet directory.
Google Search Engine Advanced searches of the Web, Images, Newsgroups, and a Directory.
MetaCrawler search engine MetaCrawler - searches multiple databases with several user defined parameters.
MSN search engineBING - Search from Microsoft Network.
Northern Light search engineAccess to books, magazines, databases, & newswires not available from other search engines.
Scout Toolkit Has searchable indexes, subject catalogs, annotated directories, subject guides, and specialized directories.
c/net search engine The best over-all web site for searching anything on the net. Over 250 databases to choose from.
WebCrawler search engine Searches text with many user defined parameters.
Yahoo search engine Most used on net and searches by topic categories.
Z39.50 search engine Library of Congress Page for gateway access to LC's catalog and those at many other institutions.

You may also wish to check out the following list:

Dr. Ralph's Listings - Excellent list of search engines, indexes, directories, and libraries.

Dr. David L. Dorr, Ph.D.